Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"The engineering and the coordination of putting those two things together -- the tower and the mountain -- make a pyramid of Egypt look like a Lego toy! A Lego toy!" -Steve Wynn
Can we please make a full scale Lego Pyramid now? Thank you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Las Vegas Density

Hal Rothman's article in the Las Vegas Business Press is a lament for the mythical American community and a fair warning to anyone who thinks density will cure Vegas' lack of connectivity. I think he's right on target.
"Such tight-knit community also fostered a set of relationships in the neighborhood. In that world, everybody knew you..."
Should this footnote always be a question?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I've bumped into Toshiko Mori's name several times recently. When I was considering applying to the GSD I remembered reading that she was named the Chair of the Department of Architecture, at Amazon I'm always getting reccommended Immaterial/Ultramaterial but I've yet to buy it, and when I bought the new 10/10_2 (a fat book filled with profiles of 100 architects) she turned up as a critic. Finally, today I came across a lecture she gave about her work at Architecture Radio. She blew me away. You can listen to her lecture here(mp3 file).
Leaders are teachers.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

This image caught my eye in Lofts: Design Source; Ana G. Canizares, ed. It's listed as the Smith Loft by Cho Slade Architects. It appears that Cho has left the building.
How do you find a great business partner? How do you keep them?