Thursday, January 24, 2008

YAF 150 at 150: Dr. Robert Fielden, FAIA

(listen here) The American Institute of Architects honors committed, exceptional members who contribute significantly to the profession and the community by making them a Fellow.

Bob Fielden was made a fellow because of his leadership in the profession and I interviewed him as a part of project by the Young Architect's Forum; the 150 at 150. Young architect's are interviewing fellows to find out how they got where they are in their careers, who their mentors were, and what was their greatest challenge.

This is my first podcast ever! And you can tell. I'm so nervous in the interview that I'm shaking.

You can subscribe to the 150 at 150
podcast (and find better interviewers than me) at: XML or iTunes . You can also listen to over eight years of Bob Fielden's commentaries on design issues that effect Las Vegas and the southwest at KNPR.
It's good to try new things.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Where to go from here.

I am interested in rescuing stories. I take as my standard the great storytelling you'll find at This American Life. I have been listening through TAL's archives and I am developing the radio bug. I want to record people telling the stories of their lives before the stories are lost. Little stories. Real stories. I got jump started by joining the AIA's YAF. We are interviewing architect leaders to help transmit their knowledge to a new generation of emerging architects.

Check it out at the AIA's Leadership Podcast page.

This is very exciting to participate in. Would you like to record an interview?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year's Resolutions?

I'm starting a project to write one letter a week to a public official or newspaper for a year. I wrote this week to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Unfortunately I messed up the copy and paste from his website to this blog. So I can't share it with you.

Paul Cline, AIA is an architect and builder in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a member of the Young Architects Forum Advisory Committee and writes on issues of community, sustainability, and innovation in design and construction.