Thursday, June 17, 2004

Its been about a year. Writing this blog. And I haven't found a voice. I don't know what it should be about or what value it could ever have.
When I read blogs the ones I go back to come in a few varieties: link lists, technical reference, and narrative diaries.
The link list is yer basic "I found cool site A via site I read B." Making Projects has mostly been in this vein. I'm not consistent however and I rarely find new things. I may not be good at this but I'm sure I'll keep it up. I like the lists at BoingBoing and Geisha asobi.
Technical reference; I got no skills. But benfit from the likes of Mandarin Design every week.
Narrative dairies, this is what I want Making Projects to be. I want to tell the stories of all the projects that pan across my mind, but when I sit in front of my computer everything just drifts away. It takes 50 times longer type it than it does to mentally dictate it. I want to tell the truth and in the most native way connect with other people. I want people to think, "I'm like that." I want to have a life that is like other people's. I want me and other people to think, "most people aren't that much different really." I read Kevin Sites and Mimi Smartpants, but I also listen to This American Life and read things like Jeffrey Brown's Clumbsy and Unlikely. Maybe there's enough ordinary in my life to be extra-ordinary.

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